CRKT Raikiri Everyday Carry Folding Knife

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CRKT Raikiri Everyday Carry Folding Knife

CRKT Raikiri Everyday Carry Folding Knife

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The kind of knife that you carry says a lot about who you are, and the CRKT Raikiri Everyday Carry Folding Knife tells the world that you’re ready.

The sleek Japanese design gives you a durable and functional tool in a beautiful and rugged aesthetic. You get to take advantage of the cold forged aluminum handles, the satin blade finish that adds an extra layer of protection, and the proprietary Field Strip Technology that allows you to easily disassemble the knife for cleaning — all for a price that shouldn’t afford you all that.

The CRKT Raikiri Everyday Carry Folding Knife weighs in at a superlight 5 oz with 3.759″ of pure blade length, just enough to handle business without wasting a nanometer. The handle sets intuitively in the grip of your hand for optimal use from the first time you use it, making it a comfortable and solid choice for an everyday knife.

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