Train Your Body & Mind With Blazepod - IMBOLDN
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Train Your Body & Mind With Blazepod

lazepod does much more than increase your agility — it trains your mind to have the laser-focus needed to compete at your highest level.

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$ 339

If you’re a regular gym rat, you know that it’s important to switch up your workout routine so you don’t fall into a pattern of monotony or boredom. Blazepod has made it easy to switch things up, while still helping you push yourself to the limit. Ideal for trainers and fitness geeks alike, Blazepod consists of 6 illuminated devices that can be strategically placed around your gym to test reflexes and conduct fitness challenges. The pods integrate with an app to help you check performance and provide new challenges to overcome. Blazepod does much more than increase your agility — it trains your mind to have the laser-focus needed to compete at your highest level.

Whether you’re a basketball player looking to improve your dribbling, a bodybuilder looking to add agility and muscle, or you just want to switch things up to get a good workout in, Blazepod can help you take things to the next level. Just place the pods, look for the light, and react.