Aerix Duet Integrated Music Center - IMBOLDN
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Aerix Duet

Aerix Duet Integrated Music Center

A comprehensive audio system for the modern music lover.

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The Aerix Duet Integrated Music Center is a handsome audio system that features proprietary technology and outstanding sound. Visually, its timeless and simple design features two cubes sitting on an aluminum baseplate. The circular horn diffuser and a double magnetic rounded subwoofer pushes sound waves out in 360 degrees, thanks to Aerix’s own Dynamic Air Drive (DAD), Virtual Intelli Sound (VIS), and Encompassing Sound Circle (ESC).

What’s interesting are the music sources it can handle, from Bluetooth that plays CD quality music from connected devices to DTS play Fi that allows you to play from a wide range of online sources, like Spotify, Deezer, Pandora, Tidal, and more. For those with a large collection of CDs just sitting in your home collecting dust, the Duet also gives you the opportunity to brush up on your CD. A modern music player for the modern music lover, the Aerix Duet is a comprehensive audio system for the 21st century.