1/6 Scale 1961 Dodge D100

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1/6 Scale 1961 Dodge D100

1/6 Scale 1961 Dodge D100

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At IMBOLDN, we’ve shown you countless items that you can buy. Some have been out of reach for us mere mortals, but most have been available if you have the means. Well, artist Konstantin Bogdanov’s 1/6 Scale 1961 Dodge D100 is one-of-a-kind masterpiece that is not available for sale. However, thanks to the artist’s 40-some-minute project diary and video tutorial above, dedicated hobbyists can follow in his meticulous footsteps and build their own.

Warning: don’t expect this build to be a walk in the park. Working in his studio in Yekaterinburg, Bogdanov took a full year to finish this impeccable sale model. Creating this masterpiece from scratch, he used a list of materials that included styrene, plywood, aluminum foil, and 3D-printed polyamide.

The finished product is exquisite in its infinite detail and beautiful intentional imperfections. This miniature 1961 Dodge D100 even comes complete with its own miniature driver in blue jeans and a weathered jacket.

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