Wilson Clash 100 Tennis Racket

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$ 249
Wilson Clash 100 Tennis Racket

Wilson Clash 100 Tennis Racket

This racket flexes to maximize ball pocketing to provide an unprecedented level of control regardless of your form and style.

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$ 249

When it comes to making the best tennis rackets, who are you going to trust more than Wilson? The latest release from the tennis giant, the Clash 100 Tennis Racket is designed to bend both vertically and horizontally with every swing. In other words, regardless of your form and style, this racket will flex to maximize ball pocketing and provide an unprecedented level of control.

The secret is in the Clash 100’s proprietary FreeFlex carbon construction and StableSmart geometry, which ensure absolute accuracy and increased power while helping to hold the ball over 20 percent longer before return. The racket’s head size (100 square inches), length (27 inches), and weight (295 grams when unstrung) are also all precisely formulated for exceptional performance. Everything about the Clash 100 has been optimized to provide exceptional flexibility without sacrificing stability. It even features parallel drilling for a more consistent and forgiving string bed response.

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