Way back in 1979, Mobile Suit Gundam made its debut. Before the anime would go on to inspire other series, films, novels, manga, and video games, the scaled-down models of the titular mecha suits helped the story become truly transcendent. Gunpla allowed fans to recreate their favorite mecha suits, immersing them into the characters by constructing them themselves. For 40 years, the models have ranged from 1:144 to 1:35 scale sizes that became everything from children’s toys to museum-grade recreations once fully assembled. A full-size model of RX-78-2 mecha suit was even built in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the anime. A decade later, the UNIQLO UT x Gunpla 40th Anniversary Collection lets you sport your favorite Gundam-inspired t-shirt.
Each of the 8 shirts in the collection is adorned with details that appeal to anyone who has ever dived into a Gunpla. The graphics include screenshots from the anime, phrases popularized by the series, and silhouettes of the Gunpla that look fresh out of their package. With over 500 million models sold since their release, the motifs on these t-shirts serve to commemorate a culture-defining phenomenon.