Presenting The Jake Burton Carpenter x Shinola Gift Set

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Presenting The Jake Burton Carpenter x Shinola Gift Set

Presenting The Jake Burton Carpenter x Shinola Gift Set

Retailing for $1,200, the gift set is available in very limited quantities at Burton Snowboards’ and Shinola’s websites and select stores worldwide.

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Jake Burton Carpenter, the founder of Burton Snowboards, and deemed to be the godfather of snowboarding, passed away in 2019 at the age of 65. In honor of Burton, his closest friends and family collaborated with Shinola, to create the Jake Burton Carpenter x Shinola Gift Set to celebrate Burton’s legacy. The idea of creating the gift set began when Timi Burton, Jake Burton’s son, spoke with Shinola founder and Jake’s close friend, Tom Kartsotis, about dedicating a Shinola Great Americans Series watch to his father. After that, the vision for the project grew to the collection just released “which is a true reflection of Jake’s passion, creative spirit, and pure love of life,” according to Burton’s wife, Donna Carpenter.

The gift set includes a replica of the Burton Backhill, the brand’s first production board that was nicknamed the BB1; a Shinola Great Americans Series stainless steel watch that features an image of Carpenter riding the BB1 etched onto its back and his initials on the front; and 13: The Story of Jake Burton Carpenter, a hardcover coffee table book that features images and stories from world-class photographers and Carpenter’s friends and family. The book and watch are packaged in a Leather Cooler Bag that features the Shinola and Burton logos.

Speaking of gifts, here are some great gift-giving ideas.

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