Each detail reflects the expert tailoring put into every peacoat, from calf-leather reinforcements to the sleek lining of its sleeves.
This Volleback release is more durable than a typical puffer jacket while still providing every bit as much warmth.
The canvas jacket parka is water-resistant and is packed with 7 pockets on the exterior and two interior pockets.
It features an ultralight four-way stretch shell made from laminated, high-performance textile made to be both waterproof and windproof.
Its waterproof shell is the first defense against Mother Nature, incorporating a Gore-Tex SHAKEDRY shell that is entirely waterproof.
With a variety of styles, from blazers to flak jackets, the line offers everything from bold style to extreme weather protection.
The jacket’s Tweave Durastretch composition lets it stretch in every direction while still staying molded to your body.
The coat and jacket are respectively fitted with a Gore-Tex Infinium Windstopper liner and Thermore Ecodown to protect against the cold.
ButterScotch and Golden Bear have partnered to make a jacket that features flannel pocket bags, quilted lining, and antique brass snaps.
This unique jacket is breathable, waterproof, and wind-resistant, all while fighting UV exposure.
Set for release in September of 2019, these weatherproof jackets will be available just in time for the fall.
Since it opened its first factory in Vancouver, the menswear line has refined a rugged yet stylish aesthetic ideal for the coming season.
The lightweight and breathable rubberized cotton of the Stutterheim Ostermalm Raincoat makes it a perfect jacket for any season.
The modern rendition of the Bedale jacket maintains the same cut as the original but offers a lightweight shell in place of thick waxed canvas.
Made for alpine athletes, this wind-resistant, rain-repellent, and insulated nylon jacket is ultra-compact and ultra-lightweight.