StarkBoard Electric Skateboard

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StarkBoard Electric Skateboard

StarkBoard Electric Skateboard

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All you have to do is take a look at the streets and sidewalks that surround you to know that we are truly living in golden age of transportation. From electric cars to hover boards to overwater jet packs, science fiction is rapidly becoming reality, making your daily commute more convenient and/or adventurous than you ever could have imagined. And, when it comes to both convenience and adventure, it’s tough to top the electric skateboard.

Although there are several of these exceptional devices on the market, the new StarkBoard Electric Skateboard has a bit of an edge over its competition. First and foremost, the StarkBoard requires absolutely no handheld remotes or other annoying control devices. The only interface you will need is the natural movements of your body.

The StarkBoard is so easy to use that most riders can master it in less than 5 minutes, while reaching a top speeds of 20 mph and traveling 12 miles on a single battery charge. Thanks to the StarkBoard’s intelligent system of weight and motion sensors, you can propel it forward with a mere tilt of your body. Say goodby to distractions and connection errors. Want to turn? Simply shift your weight just as you would with a traditional skateboard. Want to stop? With the StarkBoard, you can brake in an instant. Its braking system also instantly engages the moment that you step off the board to ensure that you remain safe and your board will always be within reach.

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