rag & bone X Star Wars Collection

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rag & bone X Star Wars Collection

rag & bone X Star Wars Collection

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The music is as iconic as the rolling text during the open minutes. The combined intake of breath, the bated anticipation, and the simultaneous gasps at moments that are designed to shock and simultaneously thrill … all of these things are synonymous with Star Wars.

Marcus Wainwright, founder of rag & bone, wants to bring this same beloved multi-generational phenomenon to his fashion line. In his words, the rag & bone x Star Wars Collection is built on an approach to really “re-imagine some of our favorite rag & bone pieces while taking influence from some of our most memorable moments of past and present Star Wars films… I have always been a huge fan of Star Wars and it has been awesome to create a collection which coincides not only with the launch of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but also with the 40th anniversary of the franchise.”

The new collection features hoodies that are reminiscence of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s infamous brown Jedi’s robe. Princess Leia’s iconic outfits are embraced via white pants, bulky sweaters, and futuristic pants. Simple t-shirts are adorned with minimalist Star Wars designs, such as the fighters, storm trooper logos, or the written symbols of Aurebesh. Whether it is a head to toe outfit or a limited edition t-shirt, the rag & bone x Star Wars Collection provides an avantgarde nod to the beloved franchise that turns grown men into delighted school girls at the thought of the upcoming Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Stay tuned for the collection’s release on December 1, 2017.

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