Prometheus Design Werks Offers 58mm SAK Retrofitting With Its New Ti-SAK Scales

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Prometheus Design Werks Offers 58mm SAK Retrofitting With Its New Ti-SAK Scales

Prometheus Design Werks Offers 58mm SAK Retrofitting With Its New Ti-SAK Scales

The scales are designed to specifically retrofit the 58mm SAK, the “Mini Champ”.

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The 58mm Mini Champ is one of the best-selling tools ever, designed as the perfect all-inclusive multi-tool. With an intuitive and functional design, the Mini Champ has consistently performed as a favorite mini multi-tool for users. Prometheus Designs has created a permanent, durable, robust replacement option for the 58mm Mini Champ factory scales. The new scales are durable and long-lasting, able to replace the plastic scales with metal, boosting performance even more. Made with titanium, the Prometheus Design Werks Ti-SAK Scales are precision crafted, and CNC machined.

The premium scales fit perfectly to replace the standard plastic factory scales with the Mini Champ multi-tool. The 6AL-4V titanium scales are styled with functional yet stylish detailing, featuring a fullered pattern and a dive-watch grade GID dot inlay. The metallic design creates an industrial look and helps improve the tactile grip, enhancing the overall functionality of the Mini Champ multi-tool.

Replacing the factory scales is easy, with simple instructions and a tutorial video. Simply snap the new pieces into place after removing the plastic factory scales. Sometimes, using a vice or clamp to help secure the Mini Champ can help. To ensure the new scales stay forever, use a small dot of superglue to adhere the titanium scales to the Mini Champ.

The Prometheus Design Werks Ti-SAK Scales are intended to be a one-time DIY replacement for the standard factory scales for the 58mm Mini Champ pocket knife. Available in two designs – the Fullered and the Topo – the scales can be purchased online from Prometheus Design Werks for $49 and $55 respectively.

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