Nest Thermostat E

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Nest Thermostat E

Nest Thermostat E

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Winter is well and truly coming. Though with the help of the Nest Thermostat E, you don’t have to worry about wasting energy or hefty utility bills through the fluctuating seasons.

Nest, who has long been known for their smart thermostat home products has expanded its reach with this new line, offering a cleaner, more modern looking device at a more economical price point than their previous smart thermostat. To save your energy bills the Nest turns itself down when you’re not at home. You can also control it from anywhere you are just by using your phone. It comes loaded with a pre-configured basic schedule to most efficiently regulate your energy straight out of the box. Any changes to your schedule can be made directly through the included app which works on your phone, smart watch, or laptop. The Nest Thermostat E is also able to learn your schedule by itself, automatically making adjustments for the most efficient use.

You can also sync the Nest with other connected products such as your lights or kitchen appliances for even more ease of use. It’s Energy Star certified and could save you up to $145 a year on your energy bills.

It not only does good but it looks good too with a more subtle, industrial design featuring a low profile white exterior ring with a frosted display screen. The overall look is intended to blend in with your home environment. When the Nest is switched on it its slight glow and display text and images are easy on the eyes. In the off mode, the screen goes grey, with an ambient light sensor so you always have just the right brightness.

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