Lechal Fitness Tracking Insoles

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Lechal Fitness Tracking Insoles

Lechal Fitness Tracking Insoles

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Fitness trackers are great motivators to nudge you towards a more active and healthier lifestyle. Although wearing a fitness tracker on your wrist is fine, counting your steps or keeping track of your activity feels more intuitive when done through your feet than your wrist. It’s true that some Nike sneakers come with a slot for Nike’s own proprietary sensors, but it’s a Nike specific feature that may not resonate with everyone.

Thankfully, the Lechal Fitness Tracking Insoles turns any shoe into a fitness tracking connected shoe, made even more useful with a clever trick up its sleeve. The system is made up of small pods that houses the sensors, GPS, and Bluetooth, and insoles that wrap around the pods. Simply insert the insoles to fit your shoes, set your destination on the app, and Lechal will guide you to your destination with gentle vibrations and simple patterns. It also keeps track of your activities, measuring distance travelled, calories burnt, and steps taken. With a battery life of over 15 days and the ability to work even when it’s offline, Lechal brings the world to your feet.

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