Campfire Audio Unveils Its Professional Supermoon In-Ear Monitors

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Campfire Audio Unveils Its Professional Supermoon In-Ear Monitors

Campfire Audio Unveils Its Professional Supermoon In-Ear Monitors

The Supermoon is said to offer a sound signature with velvety low-end, textural mids, and radiant highs.

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The Campfire Audio Supermoon in-ear monitor is not your average pair of earbuds. These in-ear monitors are ideal for professional musicians, but they are also so comfortable that they capture the ears of everyday music listeners too. The Supermoon is a solid-body custom-made in-ear monitor that features unrivaled fit and sound. The presentation is smooth, with flawless lows, minds, and highs. Studio monitoring, mixing, mastering, drums, and bass are only a few of Supermoon’s production uses. They also provide unrivaled sound, whether the user’s listening interest is jazz, blues, pop, rock, classical, or any other genre. A musical escape can happen anywhere and anytime with the Campfire Audio Supermoon.

The Supermoon earphones come in two distinct fits. The Audiophile fit is for everyday use at the recording studio, at home, or anywhere in between. This fit features a shallower depth for comfortable, effortless wear. The Artist fit is for professional musicians who need the best fit security and sonic isolation for on-stage performances. The fit extends into the ear canal for a flawless seal. Both models feature Supermoon’s patent-pending Solid-Body Design and 3D Printed Interior, designed and assembled in Portland, Oregon. The Supermoon is an ideal earphone for performing artists, but the sound quality and fit can undoubtedly be appreciated by everyday users too.

For more from Campfire Audio, check out its Saber Earbuds.

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