Baro Demarco II

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$ 328
Baro Demarco II

Baro Demarco II

The Baro Demarco II is a unisex jacket that, when buttoned, hides all the buttons to give the jacket a clean appearance.

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$ 328

Fall time has a way of throwing all kinds of crazy weather your way. It can go from sunny in the morning to rainy and chilly in the evening. Or it might be brisk when you wake up and then warm up by the time you head home from work. Packing a bulky coat isn’t really an option, and umbrellas really only work if the rain is coming straight down and there isn’t any wind. Instead, you need a jacket that’s comfortable, easy to travel with, and will deflect water. The Baro Demarco II does exactly that.

The Baro Demarco II is a unisex jacket that, when buttoned, hides all the buttons to give the jacket a clean appearance while also protecting your chest from getting wet through the buttonholes. The jacket is both waterproof and breathable so you’ll never get hot, plus the bonded pockets keep water out and the 100% nylon can be washed in the washing machine.

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