Bang & Olufsen Partners With Layer Design To Create A Statement Speaker

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$ 2,250
Bang & Olufsen Partners With Layer Design To Create A Statement Speaker

Bang & Olufsen Partners With Layer Design To Create A Statement Speaker

The Beosound Balance captures the Scandanavian minimalism and innovative audio technology that define B&O.

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$ 2,250

Bang & Olufsen brings a level of innovation to its speakers, headphones, and televisions that puts the company in a class all its own. Now, the Bang & Olufsen Beosound Balance brings that same philosophy to the aesthetic appeal of the company’s newest wireless speaker. The Beosound Balance was created in tandem with Layer Design, a London-based design agency. The result of their collaboration is a speaker that captures the essence of the Bang & Olufsen with a design that exhibits Scandinavian minimalism while incorporating features that enhance user experience to maximize its acoustic performance.

The Bang & Olufsen Beosound Balance maximizes sound performance in a compact two-piece speaker mounted on an oak base in either a natural or black finish. The speaker component’s controls are subtly concealed behind a light-through-aluminum case that allows them to vanish after being used, accentuating the minimalism of the design. Those controls power two 5.25-inch bass drivers, two frontal 2-inch full-range drivers, one 3/4-inch tweeter, and two additional rear-facing 3-inch full-range drivers. Active room Compensation allows the speaker to adapt to its surroundings to balance sound output to fit its environment. Design and engineering each coalesce into the Beosound Balance for a speaker that is as pleasing on the eyes as it is on the ears.

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