Baltic Vortex Swim

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Baltic Vortex Swim

Baltic Vortex Swim

This Baltic Swim Vortex worn by Ben Lecomte looks to raise awareness of the need to reduce plastic consumption.

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Going for a swim often means taking off all your technology, from taking your phone out of your pocket to removing the wristwatch. You typically need to make sure you’ve removed everything until you get out of the water. The Baltic Vortex Swim is designed for people who want to stay submerged. In fact, the Vortex Swim was worn by long-distance swimmer Ben Lecomte as he completed a 300 nautical mile expedition of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Lecomte wanted a closer look at the massive collection of garbage floating in the Pacific Ocean. Due to how the Pacific Ocean moves, this garbage patch is caught in a vortex, which brings debris from both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres together. In order to continue the fight to reduce plastic consumption and raise awareness, this Baltic Vortex Swim watch is going up for auction and all precedes will go to help combat this issue.

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