Anywhere Tools Modular Everyday Carry System

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Anywhere Tools Modular Everyday Carry System

Anywhere Tools Modular Everyday Carry System

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If you’re accustomed to carrying an all-purpose tool such as a Leatherman or one of the more comprehensive Swiss Army knife designs, you know just how handy they can be. Unfortunately, you also know just how bulky and cumbersome they can be, defeating the purpose of EDC. And nobody really makes regular use of every single tool that these multi-purpose devices have to offer. Wouldn’t it be great if you could make your Leatherman or Swiss Army knife slimmer and more portable by removing some of the individual tools that you simply don’t need?

Well, the masterminds at Anywhere Tools are way ahead of you. Beginning with the Anywhere Pocket Clip (a slim fastener that can attach to any piece of clothing or double as a money clip), the Anywhere Tools Modular Everyday Carry System allows users to construct their own all-purpose tool using a series of available modules. Each of these modules anchors a specific tool that is expertly designed to serve a specific purpose.

In addition to its versatile NEBA Knife Module, the Anywhere Tools System includes the Pocket Flare mini-flashlight unit, the WeeLINK Charger Cable Module to keep mobile devices fully charged, the RuSH (remove/screw/hang) single tool Module, and the MOCA II 11-in-1 Module that features 11 handy tools.

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