ALEX Bottle

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ALEX Bottle

ALEX Bottle

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We all want to play our part and be environmentally conscious. One of the easiest ways to do this is by carrying our own water bottle, so we can reduce the catastrophic number (50 billion) of disposable bottles that end up in landfills and our waterways. Sadly though, after a couple months of carrying a regular water bottle, it can end up being a bit of a chore, as they’re difficult to clean and can end up smelling moldy. Not the most desirable outcome when you’re trying to do your part for the environment.

This is where the ALEX Bottle comes in. An acronym for “Always Live Extraordinarily,” ALEX has a unique design that completely reshapes the way we think about clean, sustainable, easy-to-wash water bottles. The bottle is 100% recyclable and made of 50% premium grade stainless steel. It also features a patented Clean Seam Technology, which allows ALEX to be opened up at the middle of the bottle for easier access to clean while also allowing the user to swap colors to mix and match. For storage, ALEX can compacts to half its size by inverting the bottom half and sliding it up inside the upper half. It’s a clever, simple solution that makes doing your part for the environment that much easier.

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