Woodford Reserve Straight Malt Whiskey

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Woodford Reserve Straight Malt Whiskey

Woodford Reserve Straight Malt Whiskey

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One of the oldest and smallest distillers in the whiskey mecca of Kentucky, Woodford Reserve has a reputation for developing spirits with distinct flavors thanks to its 500-foot-long gravity-fed barrel run, traditional copper pot stills, century-old cypress wood fermenters, and one of the only heat-cycled barrelhouses in the world.

Featuring 51% malt and aged in new charred oak barrels, the Straight Malt Whiskey is a particularly unique member of the Woodford Reserve family. It’s truly unlike anything else on the current whiskey market. While other malt whiskies employ a 100% malt base, the 51% malt base of the Woodford Reserve Straight Malt Whiskey allows for a complex flavor pallet that amplifies the distinctive nutty overtones of the original Woodford Reserve. In addition to their praise of its overarching nuttiness, bourbon aficionados have noted the Straight Malt Whiskey’s caramel, milk chocolate, and fruit, as well as its subtly sweet finish of malted chocolate.

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