Vollebak Plant and Algae T Shirt

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$ 110
Vollebak Plant and Algae T Shirt

Vollebak Plant and Algae T Shirt

Once the shirt has run its course, its biodegradable design means it can be disposed of by being buried or added to your compost heap.

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$ 110

The global garment industry is a prime example of the wastefulness of manufacturing. Fortunately, many companies have become cognizant of their carbon footprint and have undertaken efforts to use recycled materials as part of their clothing lines. The Vollebak Plant and Algae T Shirt takes that philosophy focused on sustainability to a new level. The company harnesses the power of nature itself in an effort to improve the environment.

Vollebak has created a comfortable, lightweight t-shirt made from pulped eucalyptus and beech harvested from sustainably managed forests and algae grown in bioreactors that weighs even less on your conscience. Once the shirt has run its course, it can be disposed of by being buried or added to your compost heap. Thanks to its biodegradable design, the shirt will return from whence it came after 12 short weeks, so it won’t end up in a landfill for the next 100 years like so many other t-shirts have. 


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