UBTECH Star Wars AR Stormtrooper Robot

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UBTECH Star Wars AR Stormtrooper Robot

UBTECH Star Wars AR Stormtrooper Robot

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A leading international high-tech hardware company with a specific emphasis on the creation of humanoid robots with artificial intelligence, UBTECH has been looking into the future for more than a decade. Now, the company is thrilling Star Wars fans everywhere by shifting its focus to the fantastic sci-fi reality that happened “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.”

Thanks to UBTECH, you can now have your very own Star Wars Stormtrooper, a fully interactive augmented reality (AR) robot that will carry out your every command. If you’ve ever wanted to put a Stormtrooper on patrol around your room, then this is the product that you’ve been waiting for!

The UBTECH Star Wars AR Stormtrooper Robot features voice command, which allows you to issue orders by speaking directly to the unit, and an infrared sensor, which allows your Stormtrooper to detect and avoid any object that happens to bar its way. And by using the compatible the AR app interface, users can immerse themselves in first person (Trooper) and third person (Commander) view play.

Perhaps most remarkable of all, the UBTECH Stormtrooper has state-of-the-art facial recognition capabilities that allow it to register and store up to three faces. When set into sentry mode, it will automatically patrol a designated area of your home and notify you when it detects anyone that it does not recognize.

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