SolarGaps Solar Panel Window Blinds

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SolarGaps Solar Panel Window Blinds

SolarGaps Solar Panel Window Blinds

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Solar panels provide a great way to generate clean energy for your home and cut down on the cost of electricity. But they are also expensive to install, and for renters there really isn’t an option to tap into the power of the sun.

SolarGaps upgrades the traditional window blind with a way to reduce your home’s electricity by up to 70%. Instead of passively providing shade from the sun, this innovative solution keeps our homes cool while also generating electricity. These solar energy generating smart blinds can track the path of the sun throughout the day, adjusting its position to the optimal angle to capture the most sunlight for energy.

It’s also a great solution for renters who have wanted to live the eco-friendly lifestyle but couldn’t.

You can consume the generated energy, store surplus energy to reduce your energy bill, and even sell your energy by supplying it to the power grid. There’s also an app to track your usage from anywhere in the world.

With such a simple and affordable solution that makes green living more approachable than ever before, there’s even less reason to transform our lifestyle to sever our over-reliance on fossil fuels.

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