Sony aibo

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Sony aibo

Sony aibo

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You may think a “robot dog” is merely a children’s toy, but before you dismiss it, just take a moment to look at all that Sony aibo has to offer. It has been more than a decade since Sony launched the first aibo, and the AI technology has taken impressive leaps.

Featuring an improved range of movements and expressive OLED eyes, aibo reacts to voices, words, facial expressions, touch, and much more. Its sensors detect and analyze what it sees and hears, so speak to it in a sing-song voice, take a firmer tone when teaching new commands, or incorporate hand gestures. The best part about the aibo is that, like a living and breathing canine, your approach to raising your aibo directly impacts its knowledge, behavior, and personality. In this way, no two aibos will be the same.

The aibo will constantly update its learned data into the cloud, so that over time, your aibo could turn into the fun-loving or wild partner in crime that you knew you needed but didn’t know you’d love so much.

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