When Timex released its first analog-hybrid digital watch in the late ‘80s, it created quite a stir given its futuristic look. This was a watch that everyone wanted. More than three decades later, Timex has launched the Q Timex Digital LCA, a modern revival of its earlier timepiece. Some aspects of the watch have changed and some have stayed the same. The new display is clearer and sturdier than before and the case and bracelet are made entirely from gold-toned stainless steel, with improved water resistance and durability. The dimensions are essentially the same, as are the push-buttons and pre-INDIGLO lighting system. The other fun retro bits found on the original timepiece are all still there, as well.
The Q Timex Reissue Digital LCA watch comes in a 32.5mm diameter, square shaped case. The case is topped with a mineral crystal glass and the rear side of the watch is secured with a stainless steel case-back. In addition to the basic time, the analog-digital Q Timex also incorporates functions like chronograph, countdown timer and customizable alarm.
With A Blast From The Past, Timex Reissues The Q Timex Digital LCA
Fueled by the strong demand for retro-styled watches, Timex offers its new version of a classic timepiece.
October 6, 2020
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