Panic Playdate

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$ 149
Panic Playdate

Panic Playdate

This quirky and extremely portable console will come with 12 newly developed games and a physical crank on the side.

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$ 149

The Panic Playdate is an interesting device. While it may not catch on with the masses, this quirky yellow device will no doubt turn some heads.

Aesthetically, it looks like a mash between a Gameboy and an iPod. It has the familiar A/B buttons and the d-pad. It has a 2.7-inch black and white screen. It also has a built-in physical crank on the side. The crank is just another mechanic that can be implemented into a number of games. Some games may not use it at all, but it’s fun to have a crank on a gaming console. The size? Super thin and portable at 74mm x 76mm x 9mm.

The Panic Playdate will be available for preorder later this year (to be shipped early next year) and will come with 12 newly developed games, although Panic won’t disclose what they are yet. And the 12 games won’t all come at once; they’ll be delivered directly to the device via Wi-Fi every week (with plans to make more if the sales are high), so you’ll be the first one to know, and the first one to play.

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