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When summer is in full swing, you are eternally grateful to have a central air conditioner outside to cool off the interior of your home. Yet those increased utility bills are a pain to handle. You find that your air conditioner is running longer as the temperatures rise. One solution to keep your electricity costs down and make your air conditioner run more efficiently is to use the Mistbox.

The Mistbox is an air conditioner monitor and water mister system designed to give you more energy savings. The system consists of a control unit, wind turbine generator, and misting bars. The control unit monitors when the air conditioner is running and the health of the A/C system as you can keep track of its usage with Mistbox mobile app.

When the air conditioner is running for too long, the Mistbox will activate the misting bars to cool the outdoor air that is being drawn into the air intake. Since the air is already cool, the air conditioner doesn’t have to run as long to bring the cooled air to the right temperature. So you end up using less electricity and saving money on your utility bills. The entire unit is run by the wind turbine generator that uses the air conditioner exhaust to create energy for the Mistbox.

With the Mistbox, you don’t have to worry about overheating your air conditioner during the hottest days of the year. Keep your cool and save energy with this innovative A/C monitor and water mister system.

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