Lomography Announces Fantôme Kino B&W Film

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Lomography Announces Fantôme Kino B&W Film

Lomography Announces Fantôme Kino B&W Film

Each package of Lomography Fantôme Kino B&W Film contains five rolls of film that capture a high-quality visual aesthetic.

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Black and white photography is a true art form. Sure, you could take any picture on your cell phone and convert it to back and white, but that’s not an authentic representation of the vintage aesthetic. Using the Lomography Fantôme Kino B&W Film lets you capture 35mm black and white pictures in an analog medium once again. 

There is a reason why, no matter how advanced photography becomes, black and white has maintained its appeal over the years. There is nothing like the visual contrast of a monochromatic image. No other format can replicate it. The slow speeds of the Lomography Fantôme Kino B&W Film go all the way down to an ISO 8 so you can take manual control over your camera and produce truly beautiful photographs in pristine detail without any grain. Each of the 5 roles in every package provides 36 exposures.

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