Stov Indoor Fire Pit

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Stov Indoor Fire Pit

Stov Indoor Fire Pit

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After a hard day of work, how cool would it be to be able to kick back around the fire pit and enjoy a cold beverage? You don’t need a backyard to do that, thanks to the folks at Springtime, who have answered your prayers with the Stov Indoor Fire Pit. Enjoy all the warmth, relaxation, and good times spent around the outdoor fire pit in the comfort of your living room.

With a powerful 500-watt far infrared radiation with 360 degree warming capabilities, Stov is your old space heater on steroids. Far infrared power works efficiently to convert energy purely to heat. The Stov Indoor Fire Pit’s efficient design uses about half the electricity of an average electric space heater and can compete with your central heating by lowering the overall temperature of a room 1 to 2 degrees. To keep it Earth friendly, the heating element is made from recycled material. The Stov Indoor Fire pit and a cold one is the perfect way to spend a night in in the outdoors.

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