While its name is synonymous with high-quality denim, the story behind Levi’s Menlo Cossack Jacket shows why the company went off the beaten path to create its design. Made from 100% Italian sheep leather, this jacket emulates the one famously worn by Albert Einstein. Levi’s own genius recreates the original following its acquisition of Einstein’s very own jacket from an auction held by Christie’s in 2016.
Limited to 500 pieces, each leather jacket comes packaged inside of a special edition box. A replica of the bid-winning number-97 auction paddle comes with each jacket, along with an exclusive fragrance from Brooklyn-based perfume house D.S. & Durga. A blend of burley pipe tobacco, papyrus manuscripts, and vintage leather tries to capture the aromatic essence of Einstein’s study. Lastly, each piece comes along with a picture of Einstein in disguise to commemorate the era when he wore the original jacket, as he fled to the United States to escape Nazi Germany. Part historical artifact, part high-end leather jacket, this latest Levi’s release has a backstory every bit as rich as the artisan leather it is made from.
Levi’s Menlo Cossack Jacket
The jacket comes with an exclusive fragrance made by D.S. & Durga that captures the aromatic essence of Einstein’s study.
December 13, 2019
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