LEGO Ultimate Collector Series Star Wars Millennium Falcon

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LEGO Ultimate Collector Series Star Wars Millennium Falcon

LEGO Ultimate Collector Series Star Wars Millennium Falcon

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LEGO unveiled its original Millennium Falcon set at the 2007 BrickFest PDX in Portland, Oregon. At the time, it was the largest LEGO set in the company’s history at 5,197 pieces. A year later, the Millennium Falcon lost that title to the 5922-piece Taj Mahal model.

Well, as of October 1, the Millennium Falcon will be back on top with a brand new LEGO release. At 7,541 pieces, the Ultimate Collector Series Star Wars Millennium Falcon exceeds the Taj Mahal by more than 1,600 pieces and the original Millennium Falcon by more than 2,300 pieces.

So what features did LEGO add to the existing Millennium Falcon while creating the biggest LEGO set ever? The exterior of the model now includes hull panels that replace large plates with a detailed series of tiles including a number of rounded pieces that weren’t available in 2007. The Ultimate Collector Series Millennium Falcon also features several new interior sections including a main hold seating area complete with a Dejarik holographic game, an engineering station with turning minifigure seat, and rear compartment engine room with hyperdrive and console. The model also comes complete with four classic crew minfigures, (Younger Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, and C-3PO), three Episode VII/VIII crew minifigures (Older Han Solo, Rey, and Finn), and serveral supporting figures (a BB-8 droid, two buildable Porgs, and a buildable Mynock).

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