LEGO Technic Mack Anthem

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LEGO Technic Mack Anthem

LEGO Technic Mack Anthem

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Adults love LEGOs too, as much as we might curse the iconic building blocks when we step on them in bare feet. This is especially true for adults who grew up with LEGOs and those who remain defiantly young at heart. In an effort to cater to child builders as they aged, LEGO has grown up as well, evolving in tone, scale, and overall complexity. The epitome of this evolution is LEGO Technic, a line of products that features moving parts, mechanical gears, and even electric motors.

To add to the lifelike qualities of its models, LEGO Technic has made licensing deals with established automotive manufacturers to offer miniaturized recreations of real, full-sized vehicles. The latest company to partner with LEGO Technic is Mack Trucks, and the first LEGO/Mack Truck release is an incredibly detailed and authentic model of the 2017 Mack Anthem semi.

The LEGO Technic Mack Anthem features some of the most amazing functional mechanics that have ever graced a Technic vehicle model. Fully decked out in an eye-catching color scheme of black, white, grey, and green, this kit offers an abundance of moving parts that will keep you busy for hours. It even includes a separate mechanical crane with robotic arms and chains to lift cargo onto the Mack Anthem truck bed. Come on, it’s okay to want one of these. LEGOs aren’t just for kids anymore.

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