Inventery Trinket Collection Ring

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Inventery Trinket Collection Ring

Inventery Trinket Collection Ring

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Aside from a man’s wedding band, it may be difficult for some to justify any other rings. If you have thought decorative rings are too flashy or feminine in nature, understand that those are design issues of the rings themselves. A timeless ring will make an iconic statement for your style, and it will do so without being unnecessarily flashy.

The Inventery Trinket Collection Ring is a testament to the refined yet bold statement a man can make with a decorative ring. The ring is a 316L stainless steel ring made with perfection in mind, thanks to its acid etched typography and subtle rivets. The Inventery Trinket Collection Ring can also be tailored to your sense of style, with plain designs in gold, silver or matte black.

The term “plain” design only should be taken to mean that the ring speaks for itself without trying to do too much or be overly flashy. The ring also comes in 7MM and 8MM sizes, ensuring a perfect fit that Inventery believes is “a reminder of perfection” in a man’s world of madness and chaos.

All three ring designs are precision machined, ensuring your choice in design will be a long-lasting sign of perfection in a world where the pursuit of perfection remains elusive.
Choose the design that most reflects your idea of fashion and the perfect ring for a bold statement piece you will be proud to own for years to come.

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