Once upon a time, men’s grooming products were limited to after shave and beard oil. These basic essentials have filled the medicine cabinets of many a man through the years. But with advancements in the industry come an entire slew of new and innovative products and concepts that promise to add a dose of freshness to your grooming routine. Here are three of the most important and useful grooming trends for men that you can look forward to making your own in 2022.
Ethical/Sustainable Brands and Products
At this point, reducing carbon footprints is hardly a trend — it’s practically a necessity. Anything that you can do to minimize your impact on the environment is important. Every little change counts to making a big difference in the long run, whether you commit to turning off the water while you brush and taking shorter showers every day or repurposing what you can and recycling every week. In the same vein, ethical and sustainable brands aim to further your efforts by implementing recycled packaging and replacing certain ingredients with more eco-friendly alternatives.
Subscription Boxes
It’s not always easy to decide what you want to purchase. When you’re inundated by products galore, selecting just one can be a gamble. What to choose — the of-the-moment brand that has everyone buzzing? How about the one with the chic labels? Or the kitschy company that flies under the radar? This is where subscription boxes come in so useful. Each box is carefully packed with a combination of sample, deluxe, and occasional full-size products based on questionnaires that you fill out in advance. Some boxes arrive pre-packaged, making it easy for you to give the brand a trial run before committing to a pricier purchase.
The men’s beauty market is growing at a rapid pace, and one reason is that more guys than ever are wearing makeup. Once upon a time, “grooming” meant shaving and slapping on some moisturizer. Today, those unwritten rules have changed. Men use makeup for so many reasons, whether they want to conceal an imperfection or feel confident in colors they love. There’s an unbridled sense of creativity that comes with makeup application, and it’s something many men take joy in discovering.