The Slow Mo Guys Glass Explosion at 343,000FPS

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The Slow Mo Guys Glass Explosion at 343,000FPS

The Slow Mo Guys Glass Explosion at 343,000FPS

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The Slow Mo Guys are at it again, this time destroying some Pyrex glassware. We love watching their videos for their ability to scratch an ‘intellectual’ itch that we’ve always had, creating videos that are not only mesmerizing but also fascinating to watch as well.

Out underneath the hot Texas sun, the pair explores the concept of thermal shock, where extreme temperature changes shatter the glass Pyrex that they are holding. Due to the rapid nature of the glass shattering, the pair is forced to use their slowest setting at an insane 343,000FPS. The extreme slow mo video gets so unreal at one point, the mind-bending visuals almost feels as if we’re witnessing the space time continuum warp into another dimension.

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