Bengala Bentley Bentayga

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Bengala Bentley Bentayga

Bengala Bentley Bentayga

This custom Bentayga is one of the sexiest, most masculine off-roading SUVs we’ve seen.

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Who says you can’t take a six-figure SUV off-roading? The Bengala Bentley Bentayga is exactly that, and the modified result is a thing of beauty. This vehicle uses the standard Bentayga to bring in oversized off-road wide tires and wheels. From there, add in off-road light bars and a massive steel bull bar. Toss in a few bells and whistles, and you have a true off-roader. Fully customizable, this Bentayga will be limited to 15 units.

Sure, you’ll be dropping some serious coin (the standard Bentayga before the updates will run you $300,000). But hey, we can dream. And when you’re both an off-road lover and have the money for a transformed off-road monster, why not spruce it up for a bit of fun?

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