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Essence Motocycles E-RAW

E-RAW from Essence Motorcycles of Lyon, France is an electric motorcycle of dramatic minimalist design.

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Essence Motorcycles of Lyon, France says it’s changing paradigms. Uh oh. Anytime anyone says that, you have to wonder. In this case, it involves making the switchover with version 3.1 of E-RAW. That seems to involve putting the electrical with the mechanical and, well, starting with a fresh paradigm when it comes to motorcycle conception and design. As much as you might roll your eyes at the language, the result is a minimalist design motorcycle that’s…not bad, though a tad pricey.

Sure, you must get used to a full-grown motorcycle with no gas tank, exhaust system or engine roar. Your local Hell’s Angel would not be pleased, but stay with us. The E-RAW is a bike with a stripped-down approach to life. If not for the fast lane, it’s for the road less taken. It offers a quick-charging battery (ready to go in 30 minutes) housed in a compact block where you’d expect to see the tank, a plywood seat whittled with surfboard shaping techniques for comfort, and an engine that will take you up to about 96 miles an hour.

Then you’ve got such expected (for the price) quality touches as the Ohlins suspension front and back, 17 in. Excel rims, steel trellis frame and Beringer brakes and controls.

As for that battery, its charge will get you a roving range of about 115 miles. There’s also a mount for your smartphone, for a readout of speed, remaining range and other data.

All in all, the paradigm seems to have shifted in a sensible direction for Essence, though at a price of about $60,000. But the company’s only making ten of these, so you’re virtually guaranteed to be the first on your block with this electric paradigm shifter.